Software Product Lines

The 3 Essential Activities

Core Asset Development

The Domain Engineering


  1. Product Constraints
  2. Styles, Patterns and Frameworks
  3. Production Constraints
  4. Production Strategy
  5. Inventory of preexisting assets


  1. Scope
  2. Core Asset
  3. Production Plan
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Product Development

The Product or Application Engineering


  1. Requirements
  2. Product Line Scope
  3. Core Assets
  4. The Product Plan

A Product Line

Common components for the software product line are parts of the asset base.

Product Line Components:

Component Package
  • The Components
  • Test Components
  • Documentation
  • Samples Into Different Configuration
Basic Architecture

asset, will be developed into Application Domain


Activities must:

Proper Organizational Structure

Organizational Level

Provide Resources

Determine success or failure

Determine funding model

Orchestrate activities between CAD and PD

Mitigate risks that threaten success

Engender different relationship between customers and suppliers

Create an adoption plan the describes the desired state and a strategy for the organization